Minimal Designed Hexo Theme

This is a minimal Hexo theme which was made for my own portfolio. It is responsive and fully supports mobile browsing.

I also treated it as my first interactive website exercise. Therefore, some web animation skills are implemented in it. Most of the animations are made with original CSS3 properties, instead of animation libraries. The viewport animation of the home page is also wrote in original canvas. At first I considered to do it with P5.js, but soon found out the performance was quite a problem. So I transplanted the animation codes to original JavaScript.

As for technical part, it is completely built on Hexo. I hacked the simple blog engine, which only contained blogs, into not only a web based journal but a portfolio gallery as well. During the development, I also discovered some advanced usage of Hexo as well, such as custom layouts, warehouse, etc.

Other techniques that are included:

  • JQuery
  • Disqus & Gitalk (a GitHub Issue based comment library)
  • Slick.js (a simple carousel library)
  • Highlight.js (a famous code syntax highlighting library)
  • Google Analytics & Basic SEO stuffs
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Web Development
Web Animation